Tuesday, November 8, 2011

50th Anniversary, 1988

The sisters who entered O.L.V.M.S in 1938 celebrate their 50th anniversary in 1988. Just as in the 1938 photo below, two ladies are wearing white shoes and the rest are wearing dark ones. It is interesting to note that although all five women started their religious careers together, only two of the five chose to wear veils/habits at this point.

The same women 50 years earlier, upon their arrival at Victory Noll and wearing "civilian" clothes  Gertrude Salitrik, from Uniontown, Pa ; Catherine Ley (later known as Sr. Callista), from Pittsburgh;  Marie Chettle, from Missouri; Leocodia Rutkoski, from Detroit; and Betty Keifer, from Chicago.

Sr. Getrude's sister Julia and sister-in-law Dorothy traveled to Indiana to celebrate her 50th anniversary as a nun. Julia (in blue) looks very happy in this photo; she always looked forward to spending time with Gertrude. Notice Julia and Gertrude's jet-black hair.

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